Doug Rymerson (right) with Phil Head (photo courtesy of Phil Head)
Sad news to report that Doug Rymerson, the lead guitarist for the iconic garage rock band The Trolls (audio), has passed away.
The news came by way of Trolls drummer Phil Head, who shared this tribute:
"I learned this morning of the passing of Doug Rymerson (Digger) lead guitar for the Trolls. A more gentle spirit you could not find. I shared my first apartment with him and lived together in several places. He was the TROLL I was closest to. We were drinking buddies back in the day. Denny (RIP), Digger, and myself shared a mobile home for a short time. Digger spent endless hours meticulously learning the latest songs. His work ethic had much to do with our success. He was from St Paul, Minnesota and I spent a Christmas with him and his parents getting to meet all of his high school friends. All being gentle people help to explain his demeanor. I am so glad I got to spend part of my musical life with him. God bless you Digger, you made many people happy while you were with us."