Hey all! I'll get back to actual records, but I've been finding loads of Colorado music-related ephemera, lately. At the Brass Armadillo antique mall, last week, and found this fantastic program from the July 1947 presentation of All in Fun, performed at the Pueblo city auditorium.
Filled with amazing local advertisements, the program mentions the city's "newest" radio station, KCSJ, and how part of the show will be broadcast live. However, according to the station's history, KCSJ didn't go on the air until August, 1947.
Described as a "succession of musical and comedy skits adapted for local casting and staging," the vaudeville-like All In Fun was on stage July 16 and 17, with KCSJ announcer and commercial manager Jack Cobb acting as the emcee. Music was donated by the Pueblo Musicians Association, under the direction of Margret Smith. Hostesses were Arietta Marrinan and Bernice Westerson. The cast included Pueblo actors, and even some local civic and union leaders, including Judge J. Arthur Phelps, and Ralph Vail, the state president of the National Association of Letter Carriers.
In between the scenes, I included pictures of the advertisements in the program.
Scene 1 - "Spring Showers" (described as a drawing)
Scene 2 - "To Be Announced"
Scene 3 - "Queen for a Day" - starring Jack Bailey and Claude Gray, with ladies in waiting: Norma Burnham, Jo Ann Judy, Jane Marrinan, Frances Higgins, Elsie Mae Watkins, Vivian Wright, Irene Raymond, Betty Keator, Evelyn Lewis, Dorothy Pilcher, Leona Higgins, La Vonne McDonnell, and Norma Gray.
Scene 4 - "Truth or Consequences" - starring Ralph Edward and Bill Hannahand, with Martha Kadie, Pat Morgan, Betty Lamb, Janey Sayre, Pauline Battiste, Toni Gionatti, Shirleen Stevenson, Emily Carlson, Margie Lockard, Helen Hill.
Scene 5 - "Elkhardt Trio" / Coffetunes (Quartet)
Scene 6 - "Style Show" - with male locals playing female "stars" on the runway. "Dottie Lamour" - Bill Slater, "Carmen Miranda" - Dr. H.V. Wagner, and "Ann Sheridan" - R.W. Johnson, "Judy Canova" - W.H. Ballew, "Hedy Lamarr" - Jimmy Beaman, and "Sally Rand" - Don Korber.
Of note - Beaman and Korber were two members of the local Barbershop quartet, The Fountain City 4 (along with Howard Lukenbill and Steve Comi).
Scene 7 - "Samoa" - starring Aldea Gobatti, Jack Meyers, Nelda Johnson plus "Bing Crosby" (Jack Meyers).
Scene 8 - "Life in the Ozarks" - starring W.H. Ballew and Jim Beaman as "Ma and Pa."
Scene 9 - "Johnson's Adorables"
Scene 10 - "Ginny Simms" - starring Ginny Smith and "Breakfast in Hollywood" with Tom Brenneman, and Evelyn Davis, plus "The Andrew Sisters" - Jack Meyers, Vince Rusick, and Bud Dawson
Scene 11 - "Dr. I.Q." - Judge J. Arthur Phelps, along with H.L. Rose, Wayne Lewis, Ralph McDonald, and Ralph Vail. Plus "Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire" - Joyce Meyers and Warren Tucker
Scene 12 - Repeat of "Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire" along with Ginny Simms.
Scene 13 - "Bing Crosby" - starring Jack Meyers
Scene 14 - "Grand Old Opry" - starring "Red Foley" - Don Vendenti, "Minnie Pearl" - Mrs. Charles Vest, "Duke of Paducah" - Jim Beaman, "Uncle Ezra" - William Perig, plus the Oak Ridge Quartet - Horace Femmer, Floyd Pendleton, Jack Lyngdol, and Kermit Bliss. KLZ Denver Radio personality and "cowboy singer" Red Allen also performed. The program also noted the Red River Valley Gang - Clyde Casebier, Louie Rogers, and T.E. Maxie.